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Healthcare worker standing while writing in an open white binder

Immigration Changes Help Retain Healthcare Workers

International students in more Nova Scotia healthcare programs will have an additional opportunity to build a career, life and future in the province.

The International Graduates in Demand stream of Nova Scotia’s Provincial Nominee Program is expanding to include paramedics and pharmacy technicians. Adding these occupations to this immigration pathway supports Nova Scotia’s recruitment efforts for healthcare professionals.

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Construction worker Darwin Cacafranca on a Nova Scotia job site

Province Attracts Internationally Trained Healthcare and Construction Professionals, Provides More Funding for Settlement Support

Nova Scotia is attracting newcomers in sectors with the most need, including healthcare and the skilled trades, and investing to help them settle and stay.

In 2023, 763 healthcare professionals and 244 construction professionals were among the 6,830 applicants approved through immigration programs for the year. This represents an 88.9 per cent increase in healthcare professionals and an 85.8 per cent increase in construction professionals compared with 2022.

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Cape_Breton_Road_Trip_TIFF_13_Parks Canada Cape Breton

Physician Recruitment Remains Strong in Nova Scotia

The number of doctors in Nova Scotia continues to grow and more new doctors are caring for Nova Scotians. There were 168 doctors who started practising in Nova Scotia from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Nova Scotia Health hired 155 doctors and the IWK Health hired 13 doctors during the last year. The net gain is 86 physicians.
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